Monday, January 2016
Italics will be the theme for the term.
St.Bartholomews Church Hall, King Edwards Road, Oldfield Park, Bath
10 weeks. 1.30 - 3.30 p.m.£80
Tuesday.We will start again in January 2016
Look out for us in the "What's on in Weston".
at Weston Church Rooms, Weston High Street (on the high Pavement above Pinnochio Nursery School) Bath.
10 weeks long. Lots of examples, demonstrations and practical work.The class is currently full, but is is not too early to enquire about next year.
We are working with the theme "The Park" (optional)
DRYPOINT suitable for all levels of printmaking.
Date to be announced but do enquire if you are interested
We will use plastic or aluminium plate. You can make gorgeous line and tone without chemicals. Come with an open mind and maybe some images, though drawing skills are not necessary.
at Bath Artist Printmakers 3b Upper Lambridge Street, Larkhall , Bath
Cost £60 to include plate , inks and some paper.
Contact me on 07929 318568 by text or call, and I can arrange a time to suit you.